Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wow, it's been that long???

Yes, it looks like it's been a few months since I've blogged at all! Dave Bones, I took a glance at RWS' site but didn't see what you referred to. I do see the usual belly-aching but not really sure that I have the time or the will to wade into that right now. I just got back from a business trip to northern California. I am incredibly tired, but I am back to working at home, which is a relief.


nicnerd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nicnerd said...

Erik Grow said...

Ah, I see, thanks! I posted a reply there. Might be too late for most people to see it though.

Anonymous said...

Eric you must know just how poisonous that blog is......I've not been to her site in months as her slanted, self-righteous posturing and the posters chortling do nothing but hurt my head and make me feel sick that they can co-exist in the same county as myself and my friends.

On the other hand, be well.

No. California is beauthiful. I lived there many years ago, working as a fire lookout for the US Forest Service in Weaverville. The town was so named , as legend has it, for a drifter/ card player who , in a gmae of poker , had won everything in sight. as a final bet, with nothing else to put up, the wager was for having the town named after himself. After winning he was never seen again.. I don't know how much truth there is to it beyond a fun story. There's an old joss house there, a temple used by the Chinwese in the old mining days. Anyway, many stories from there.

Rightwingsnarkle said...

Northern California on 'business?'

That means you brought back some good pot, right?


Rightwingsnarkle said...

Wait - you've got comment moderation turned on?!?

Since when did you become a wingnut?

Erik Grow said...

No, it's only for posts that are more than two weeks old. It's to foil most of the spammers. It's always been on, but of course when I was posting more regularly, the posts were new, so those comments were not moderated.

Hehheh, nope, no pot. It's never been my thing really, not even in college.